World News
Find Your True 2021 Purpose! | Jack Canfield
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5 Self-Publishing Book Tips From the 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' Author Who Has Sold Over 500 Million Copies
Jack Canfield, co-creator of one of the most successful non-fiction series in publishing history, explains how he got started and what he's learned along the way to selling hundreds of millions of copies.
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Boris Johnson must 'shake up the UK' after cutting out EU 'Brexit is not about economics'
BREXITEER Claire Fox ordered Boris Johnson to "shake up" the UK and have faith Britain has the freedom and determination to prosper without the EU.
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New Year's Honours list IN FULL: Who has been honoured by Queen?
NEW YEAR HONOURS are an annual occurrence which recognises the achievements and service of extraordinary people across the UK. But who has been honoured by the Queen this year?
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